Life missing my forever baby Julian

This is a blog to voice my feelings and thoughts surrounding the death of my precious baby Julian. My twin pregnancy ended tragically with a catastrophic placental abruption. At 35 weeks my two sweet babies were born, and 36 hours later, one of my twin boys died in my arms. Now I have to figure out how life will continue with our surviving twin son and our 2 year old daughter.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

CAPTURE YOUR GRIEF 2012: Day 1 Sunrise (or something else)

I don't want to lie to you or myself - I don't do sunrises (and both my surviving children love me enough to sleep in most days). I want to find or create an image for everyday this month, so I will find something for this post and edit the entry when I do.

Day 1 Sunrise:

So my children have been waking up a little earlier this week. And I caught the sunrise two days in a row, but today (really day 5) I ran to grab a camera. This is where I see the sunrise most days, that's when I manage to actually catch it. It's been a long time since I took a picture of the sun coming up for the day, it is really quite a beautiful sight. I know I have two specific sunrise pictures from the past that I love, I am going to try to find them and post them.

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