Life missing my forever baby Julian

This is a blog to voice my feelings and thoughts surrounding the death of my precious baby Julian. My twin pregnancy ended tragically with a catastrophic placental abruption. At 35 weeks my two sweet babies were born, and 36 hours later, one of my twin boys died in my arms. Now I have to figure out how life will continue with our surviving twin son and our 2 year old daughter.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I am so angry right now. I am sad and I am frustrated.  For me, there is no reason why things like this happen, they just do. When a baby or child dies, it is the most devastating and heartbreaking pain any parent will ever know. Nothing will take that pain away, you carry the grievous loss of your child forever.

This past week I stumbled upon two sweet babes who have died from SIDS in the last few days. My heart breaks for their parents and families.

Matilda Mae -

Pat Pat -

You hear about babies dying from SIDS, but you never think it will happen to you. I used to think I was immune from child loss, that losing a child couldn't or just wouldn't happen to me. But it did. Even though my son's death was not at all SIDS related, the news and discovery of these two sweet babe's deaths has hit me hard. I am so saddened when I think about the pain families have to endure after the loss of a child. When I read  stories like these, I weep knowing that two more mothers have joined the awful community that I am also a member of for life - the community of grieving mothers.

The last few days I have been dwelling on the past and struggling with my own grief. I miss my sweet boy. I am trying to continue to find and acknowledge all the good in life. I have tried and will continue to try to enjoy every precious moment with my kids, these moments are special and I want to do all I can to apricieate them and treasure them.